Roses for Specific Situations

  • A:You may have a choice of buying our roses as bare roots or in pots. Neither option is superior, it is simply a matter of personal choice. Whichever option you choose, your roses are guaranteed to bloom through spring/summer – and for many springs/summers to come. Please note: ramblers, once flowering Old Roses and species roses all flower on mature wood and therefore may not flower in the first year after planting.
    Availability period: late May/June to late August Bare root roses are dormant plants, dug up from the field and shipped without soil. They are the ideal choice if you’re purchasing a large number of roses, as they are very lightweight and are therefore easier to handle in the garden.
    Availability period: All Year Potted roses are the very same roses as bare root roses. After each rose is dug up from the field, it is planted into a pot. They are ideal for adding instant colour to the garden during the summer months, as well as making thoughtful gifts throughout the year.

  • A:Climbers generally have large blooms on not too vigorous, rather stiff growth and most repeat flower. Ramblers are in general, much more vigorous. They will produce great quantities of small flowers, although most do not repeat flower. Most climbers are best for walls, trellises, arches, obelisks whereas ramblers are generally better for growing into trees and covering pergolas or large structures such as garages or sheds.

  • A: Please click here to see a list of our most fragrant roses.

  • A: Please click here to see a list of roses that are ideal for growing in pots and containers